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Rancher Desktop as Docker Desktop replacement


This step is not executed as part of the tutorial it's only a reciepes how to replace Docker for Desktop

Rancher Desktop an open-source desktop application for Mac, Windows and Linux. Rancher Desktop runs Kubernetes and container management on your desktop. You can choose the version of Kubernetes you want to run. You can build, push, pull, and run container images using either containerd or Moby (dockerd). The container images you build can be run by Kubernetes immediately without the need for a registry.

Install Rancher Desktop

Follow the instructions to setup Rancher Desktop for preferred OS.

Configure nerdctl

nerdctl is a Docker-compatible CLI for containerd:

  • Supports rootless mode
  • Supports lazy-pulling
  • Supports Docker Compose (nerdctl compose up)

nerdctl get installed as part of Rancher Desktop and can be configured to replace docker command:

nerdctl help

alias docker=nerdctl

That should be added to ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc

docker help

Run Containers with nerdctl

docker container ls

docker container run --rm -it \
    alpine echo "Is it working?"

Docker Compose with nerdctl

docker compose up --detach

docker container ls

docker compose down

Container Images with nerdctl

docker image build \
    --tag $DH_USER/devops-toolkit \

docker login \
    --username $DH_USER \
    --password $DH_PASS

docker image push $DH_USER/devops-toolkit

docker image tag \
    $DH_USER/devops-toolkit \

docker image ls