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Colima as Docker Desktop replacement for MAC OS


This step is not executed as part of the tutorial it's only a reciepes how to replace Docker for Desktop

Colima is a full Docker-Desktop replacement. It is specific to Mac OSX. Just use plain Docker or Containerd on Linux.

With Colima you get:

  • Intel and M1 Macs support
  • Simple CLI interface
  • Both Docker and Containerd support
  • Port Forwarding
  • Volume mounts
  • Bundeled Kubernetes cluster
  • A full replacement of Docker-for-Desktop


brew install colima
brew install docker # if you're using the Docker shim


Install Colima version v0.4.6 or newer, which solves a bug with Kubernetes version reset (see


Colima Config file

Colima uses a config file, located by default in $HOME/.colima/default/colima.yaml.

We're not going to dive into it, but you can update this file to change some of the parameters instead of specifying it on the command-line.

This file is auto-created when you first start Colima.

colima start --runtime containerd --with-kubernetes --kubernetes-version v1.24.4+k3s1
colima status

# other start options not used for this tutorial
colima start                                         # default using Docker runtime
colima start --with-kubernetes                       # start kubernetes local cluster
colima start --runtime containerd --with-kubernetes  # remove docker completely

Once Colima is running we can start using it.

Container Interface

Because we used containerd, we have to use the nerdctl command instead of docker.

nerdctl is installed by Colima itself.

Run a container for 20 seconds:

nerdctl run -d alpine:latest sleep 20

colima nerdctl ps # list running containers, execute multiple times to see the container stop after 10s

We started Colima with a kubernetes cluster. By default Colima will update your kubeconfig to add this cluster and set this new context as default.

kubectl config get-contexts

kubectl get pods -A

kubectl version


For the rest of the presentation we're not going to use Colima. You can stop it:

colima kubernetes delete # stop k8s and delete the associated files
colima stop