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K9s is a terminal interface which will help get a dynamic view of a cluster.

Install is straightforward, it’s a single binary, and it connect to the current context by default


brew install k9s
# NOTE: The dev version will be in effect!
go install


Go install seems to be broken...


Here are some of the basic command line options to start k9s:

  • k9s -n <namespace>: start k9s within a specific namespace

  • k9s --context <context>: start k9s using another context than the selected one

  • k9s --readonly: start k9s in read-only mode, to ensure you won't change any running resource

As k9s is a terminal console application, there's no mouse support or buttons to click. Here is a list of the most used commands you can use:

  • /<filter>: to filter the list of resources, ex: /core to list only coredns pods
  • <ESC>: to stop any command or clear filters
  • 0: to list pods from ALL namespaces
  • d: (on a resource): describe the resource
  • e: (on a resource): edit the resource (:q to quit, like in VI, depends on your EDITOR variable I guess)
  • l: (on a resource): show logs
  • ?: help with possible commands
  • s: (on a resource): open a shell in the container
  • <enter>: (on a resource): view the resource content
  • y: (on a resource): display yaml of the resource


  • Default k9s view


  • Describe of a Pods

    k9s describe pod


Leave the shell and use a 100% UI application in next chapter !